Author Topic: how should i make a clan?  (Read 925 times)

im new in the blockland forums and i want to know how to make a clan
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 06:11:44 PM by cca50(real cca50) »

step 1: decide name of clan
step 2: post clan name and other info in the clan forums
step 3: watch as senior members flame you for creating such a gay clan
step 4: your clan fails and you are the sole member
step 5: end of your clan
*step 6: decide you actualy want to do everyone a favor and go kill yourself.

*step 6 may be null and void if you are an actually useful member

He is how:

Don't do it till you have been here awhile.

You need to get more time in and become more famous befoer you start a clan.

step 1: decide name of clan
step 2: post clan name and other info in the clan forums
step 3: watch as senior members flame you for creating such a gay clan
step 4: your clan fails and you are the sole member
step 5: end of your clan
*step 6: decide you actualy want to do everyone a favor and go kill yourself.

*step 6 may be null and void if you are an actually useful member
The first lesson that you'll learn in Blockland. It can be full of angry, angry people.

But he does have a point. It's a bad idea to start/join a clan if you've just got the game. Better to let people get to know you first. Besides, why do you want to be in/start a clan? Playing BL in or out a clan is pretty much the same thing.

You are "new" big hint >Don't make a clan ill save you the pain and blood of Flame sharks.

1.  Be here for a while
2.  Make your clan
3.  Ignore the flames and oopahs
4.  Slowly gain members
5.  Stay alive until the flamers lose interest.

hell atleast he asked.

and didn't put this topic in clan discussion

i been playing blockland for almost a half a year and i got friends and enemys but mostly fiends

Avast fiends! Away! Away I say!

Don't make a clan, JOI N One first! It will let you know what it is like. (Had to do colored text since some newbies don't take notice of what people say.

What you guys don't realize is that once blockland gets more members, clans will be common, and the "oldbie" clans won't be the only "allowed" clans. One thing I'd like to see is a global clan roster, accessible on all servers, but then again, I would also like a friends list.