skywalker is no noob

Author Topic: skywalker is no noob  (Read 1402 times)

i have posted topics   on here 1. my house build. 2 asking to join a clan, the noobish post are my sister she gets on my name and post stuff, she bumps old topics, not me i've not ben on the forums alot this is just so you know, and btw please stop coming on my server and saying that im a noob thin leaving, i telling my sister to stay off my name ok, i posted this just to clear this mess up, and btw why are all the peps on the forums meaner then in game?
   and can we all just get along, ill try to make her stop spaming....

( i just posted this it clear the mess up )
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 06:02:02 PM by Flying Ace »

i have posted 2 post on here 1. my house build. 2 asking to join a clan, the noobish post are my sister she gets on my name and post stuff, she bumps old topics, not me iv not ben on the forums alot this is just so you know, and btw plz stop comeing on my server and saying that im a noob thin leaveing, i telling my sis to stay off my name ok,i posted this just to clear this mess up, and btw why are all the peps on the forums meaner thin in game?
   and can we all just get along, ill try to make her stop spaming....

( i just poted this it clear the mess up )
She posted all but two of your posts, when your post list has 18 pages, doesn't seem very believable.

Try getting her an account of her own. I'm not even sure why I let MrCookie post on my account once.

You both make very similar typos and have almost identical punctuation. So, yes, I believe you.

Crappy spelling is a genetic trait?

first of all change your password and don't make it so you auto log in on the forums ....

She posted all but two of your posts, when your post list has 18 pages, doesn't seem very believable.

oh like 11 of thos are my posts but im saying i've posted in 2 topics i mean to say here...
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 06:02:40 PM by Flying Ace »

She posted all but two of your posts, when your post list has 18 pages, doesn't seem very believable.

oh like 11 of thows are my posts but im saying iv posted in 2 topics i mean to say here...

I was on skywalker's server, and we were just hanging out and stuff. when suddenly, he bans almost everyone! the reason being "I LIKE BANNING!"

(one of the bans wasn't me, i just left)

Junior thinks skywalker talks in thirdperson. Junior is hungry.