Author Topic: The Future  (Read 3753 times)

In th future there will be large stone castles and knights that fight for freedom. There will be kings and queens, peasents, and barbarians. There will be lots of warfare, but lots of feasting and lots of tournaments. The sword will be the primary weapon of knights and the pike will be used by soldiers. Disease will be widespread and common. the primary transportation are horses and other large animals. Most people are poor.

Here is an artist's drawing of what it will look like:

Also could make gas out of trash maybeh.

Also could make gas out of trash maybeh.
It's called methane. All dumps release it and power plants are harvesting it.

In the future, I will wake up and go to my desk, and type a new message on the forums. I will look outside and see trees and ranchers, and a school across the street. I will see cars powered by gasoline. If I drove to the city I would see skyscrapers, but if I was anywhere else it would be quite rare. Bush would still be president, and Mexicans are mowing my lawn. Gikon will still be bi-polar, and Badspot will still be raped by noobs whenever he joins a server.

In the future, I will wake up at my desk after an all night caffeine beinge and type a new message on the forums, while only half aware of what I am saying. I will look behind my computer and see some trees and the siding of another house in my sub-urban cul de sac.  If I drove a couple of hours to a city, I would see a lot of theme parks and the biggest Walmart in the state of Florida, but if I was anywhere else there would still be a lot of loving Walmarts. Obama will still be president, and Mexicans will be mowing my lawn, but legally employeed at a lawn-moving service. I will still have a split personality, and Badspot would have taken cocaine and shot him self on an impulse. No one would ever know why he disapeared.

Skip ten years in the future, and I will be sleeping on a sofa in my apartment. I wake up and drink a bottle of the new Coke Nine-Thousand and One. While holding my beverage, I look off the balcony and see no trees and many large buildings, mostly colored beige and light-blue. I see cars powered by water. If I drove further into the city, the builders will be larger, but there would be bilboards everywhere adveritsing new features on 4chan. Moot will be president, and mondays would be chained to my porch doing my yard work. The planet will still be a stufffest, but now the memes are even more unfunny and even my dead grandma has "I died for the lulz" on the headstone. Self Delete rates are now at 15% for teenagers aged 16-18, due to an invention known as "An Hero", a phone-booth type product that specializes in Self Deletes produced by 4chan Corp.

Teleporters and Underwater Cities Please :D
and a "insert yourself into a game and play as that character but while you are in the game and you are also inside the gaming system which enables you to do anything inside that game and if you die in the game you are ejected from the game" Device  :cookieMonster:

In the not-too-far-off future, it would be cheaper to buy a $1000 super computer that can preform billions of times better than the human brain instead of say, hiring a human.

Good luck getting a job.

As for interesting things in the future, A utopian society would be possible, considering you could just have machines do everything and then have some idiot post after me saying "LOL REBELLION".

In the not-too-far-off future, it would be cheaper to buy a $1000 super computer that can preform billions of times better than the human brain instead of say, hiring a human.

You greatly underestimate the power of the (moderately intelligent) human brain.

In the future the sun will envelop the earth and the other two panets in it's outer shell and turn it into a flaming ball of ash.

In the future, we will all be gay and lesbian and gay. how do I know this? It already happened on Urstar fish.