Author Topic: WHY HASN'T ANY OE MADE A TRANSFORMER YET!  (Read 682 times)

I know that in V.8 there was a topic about someone wanting a transformer for blockland. So the topic got nowhere because the people who can make them didn't read the topic. all I'm asking is if anyone who has any knowlage about animating things in blockland please tell me how to do it and what programs I need. I think it would be cool to have a giant transfoming mech for blockland because we don't have any good vhehicles for V.9. 

there are reasons ppl didnt do it

1.tranformers are for no brained 5 year olds

2. it would be very hard 2 make a car that turns into a robot' are a cap noob and a noob

there are reasons ppl didnt do it

1.tranformers are for no brained 5 year olds

2. it would be very hard 2 make a car that turns into a robot' are a cap noob and a noob
The Transformers are kick ass nub, at least the old school cartoon where.

Noone has made one because it's too difficult. It would require extensive Coding and Animating. Not something achieved easily at all. It's just not logical.

Because, kid, if we were to make a good one, they'd be far too detailed and for just one robot thing would be a whole waste of time.
Oh, and if we were to make one far too simple it would be epic phail anyway.