Author Topic: ...  (Read 2001 times)

« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 10:05:39 PM by reynomic1 »

you're such a 'nood'

WTH is TMK anyways?
you gave us an acronym without any explaination, what kind of clan are you? What do you guys do?
neeed more info, or you infact are a "nood" clan.

Isn't TMK The Mushroom Kingdom. A site hosted by

Loel thats what i was thinking but i was like, "Naw couldn't be!" >_>
mayby it stands for "Too Many Klans" <-- sorry im not good at guesing. stupic "K" that looks wrong.


yeah 'bout that...
we still have no clue what this clan is.

Meh it's a clan for the people without clothes O.o

Nudity in Blockland?!!? It would've been better in AoT