Author Topic: What is Wrong with this???  (Read 635 times)

What is Wrong with these two strings??

Code: [Select]
messageClient('', "Can't Change Status! Please Leave the Minigame First!");

Code: [Select]
messageAll('', + "Changed his/her Status to:\c6 Away [AWAY]");

Because when I test them they wont work!!

Code: [Select]
messageClient('', "Can't Change Status! Please Leave the Minigame First!");

Code: [Select]
messageAll('', + "Changed his/her Status to:\c6 Away [AWAY]");

In the first one, you're using messageClient, but haven't specified a client to message. Try this:
messageClient(%client,'', "\c5You can't change status while in a minigame.");

For the second, you can't 'add' strings together like that - you have to use the @ (join two strings) or SPC (join with a space) operators. Try this:
messageAll('', "\c3" @ SPC "\c5 has updated their status to: \c3AFK");

Most of these questions seem to be to do with the same Add-On - post your questions in one topic, that way it doesn't take up the Coding Help board as much.

You have saved the day once again space guy""

Haha, he is going to have a Space Gasm.