Author Topic: Any post previous to March 2007 made on this account no longer exists.  (Read 3493 times)

Any post previous to March 2007 made on this account no longer exists.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 02:37:19 PM by Spation »

Okay, let me just start off with the most positive thing I could say. Your ratings were horrible. First, I think you over-rated MotE... sure they build great but some members can be jerk-offs. Second, the secret clan (known as SW), sucks balls. Over-rated by atleast 4 points. Not popular whatsoever and lacks good builders.  Third, do not, I repeat do NOT make judgements about groups you have no knowledge of. You barely know anyone is SS, and, although SS does let in anyone, we have the highest amount of members, and a kick-ass website with a very active forum. We also have many-a-great builder. Dboops, Revolver, Whoooman, Raid, Freaky and I are some. Let me give you my rating of the three groups.
[MotE] = 7
[SS] = 8
[SW] = 5
There, done. Easy as that.

P.S. You Don't Have To Type Like This To Get People To Notice You.

I hate people reviewing clans. All your doing is rating clan on a scale of 1-10 and why did you give MotE a higehr score than the clan your in when you made a topic saying MotE sucks?

Any post previous to March 2007 made on this account no longer exists.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 02:37:29 PM by Spation »


- MotE:  :cookie:/10

- [SS]: (not a clan :D, so you can't rate it)

- [SW]: (who the hell are they?)

-If you have any comments or concerns, then i don't care, get on with your useless life.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2006, 01:36:14 PM by Ronin »

SW must be full of stupid!

Any post previous to March 2007 made on this account no longer exists.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 02:37:35 PM by Spation »

you are such a handicap, this topic was almost a week old >:0

You Can Say that But I Mentioned SS Isn't A Clan But It's A Group Still. So It Counts. And Facechild DON'T Dis SW Or You Will be Sorry!
oh noes! you might get mad and pink me!
i think that you need more experience before you make a clan, i'll admit that i made ussr too early, but it took off for some reason.

SW is starwars  :cookieMonster: i think .... but if your clan has so high rate then im Elvis man lol eat  :cookie:

I shall continue going along with the bump since everyone else is.

So, let me get this straight.

SW is a brand-spankin' new clan, like, 7 members, and the co-leader (Spation), is a dumb butt-wad.

SS runs two dedicated servers, maybe 200-300 members, a website with forums and a coppermine gallery, Creater has made a map FGS and you score higher than us?

I should do a damned overviewing...  ( I gots teh knowledge )

There is no proper way to rate clans on a scale of 1 - 10. This dipshit is trying to get attention