Author Topic: BioShock 1  (Read 1402 times)

BioShock is a game set in the 1960's.

You are on a flight. You hear screams, and black out. Next thing you know, you're in the Atlantic surrounded by sinking wreckage. You swim out the only way you can from where you are, to a mysterious lighthouse: A lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic?

You go inside, the doors slam behind you. Lights flicker on. You see a banner: "No Gods or Kings. Only Man." A statue carved behind it gives a very...bad feeling. You continue into this lighthouse...a bathysphere! Where does this lead?

You enter and pull the lever, the door closes and you begin to descend. As you descend, a blind covers the window of the bathysphere, and a short movie plays on it. A short explanation plays, voiced by Andrew Ryan. The blind rises as Ryan states "I built Rapture!" And outside the window, you see an underwater city, apparently named Rapture.

You are brought into the city. A whale passes. Your sphere approaches a tube connecting two buildings. You notice a figure, what is seemingly a person in a heavy suit doing maintenance on the tube. You hear radio broadcasts of confusion about the plane crash. You sphere enters a bay, and you begin to ascend.

As you ascend, you begin to hear despite cries. You surface to a dark scene. Outside the window, a man backs away from someone... they look unnatural. He begs the person, but to no avail. He is pushed into the sphere, murdered. The person noticed you, and that you are a newcomer and attacks your sphere. Just before it breaks through, it hits an electrical wire. It jumps off in pain, looks back, and runs away.

You hear the radio again. You grab the radio and are introduced to Atlas. He will guide you through most of the game. The bathysphere door opens...

Welcome to Rapture

Because of the new "Topic Too Old" I can not put this in my old BioShock Topic. As such, here's a new one. I made this introduction to BioShock myself...any good?

Discuss BioShock 1
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 06:31:52 PM by MegaScience »

It shouldn't be that short amount of time...

Great game, you just keep playing it.
The area is greatly done, you can see places where haven't real people been for 2 years.
It was just a great game.

:D I made up the date for that part, I started typing this in a MSN chat to Falcondude XD

Bioshock starts in 1960.
That explains the crappy quality of the golf putters.

And why the whole game feels 1960....

And why the whole game feels 1960....
You don't get the reference, do you?