Author Topic: 1 year...  (Read 1041 times)


Today one year ago is when I bought retail and joined forums, it has been fun time and I hope to still be in the community for a long time.

My first post....
"Ive been having the same problems too. I port foward and set all the setting and treid on both my pc and mac. When i try to see if the sever is up on the demo on anther computer it just says its dead."
(I trouble hosting when I first bought the game.)

First Build...

« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 07:29:18 PM by Tom »

I missed my 3 year anniversary. :(

Oh well, on to the 4th! :D

I'm close to one year of retail, but I don't remember when I joined Blockland counting 0002, at least back in May 2006.