Author Topic: [Almost] Everyone is a loving moron.  (Read 6208 times)

People just love being smart-asses and using exact definitions.

It is impossible for a game to have every single physical law in the Universe because we as a species have not found all of them yet. Many games try to make a realistic experience, but it is hard. For example, yes, there is gravity in Blockland, but your avatar will keep accelerating if it doesn't hit a floor. This may be true in space, but not on Earth (or anywhere with an atmosphere) because they will eventually reach their terminal velocity. Blockland and many other games resemble the physical world, but they are not perfect models of it. For a game to 'have' physics, I guess it needs to try and emulate the physical environment is is supposed to take place in.

And now I am wondering why I even bothered to type this; it hardly makes sense. Ah well.

And at Saber15 / Otis:  :cookieMonster:
« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 05:58:35 PM by Slovskite »

Ya, nice try at sounding deep and like you know what you're talking about.

Yeah, it was a good attempt. Honestly, I just pulled that out of my ass.

It is impossible for a game to have every single physical law in the Universe because we as a species have not found all of them yet. Many games try to make a realistic experience, but it is hard. For example, yes, there is gravity in Blockland, but your avatar will keep accelerating if it doesn't hit a floor. This may be true in space, but not on Earth (or anywhere with an atmosphere) because they will eventually reach their terminal velocity. Blockland and many other games resemble the physical world, but they are not perfect models of it. For a game to 'have' physics, I guess it needs to try and emulate the physical environment is is supposed to take place in.

And now I am wondering why I even bothered to type this; it hardly makes sense. Ah well.

And at Saber15 / Otis:  :cookieMonster:
This is assuming Blockland is on Earth. Blockland's physics were made to be comfortable and mobile for the user.

Yeah, it was a good attempt. Honestly, I just pulled that out of my ass.

XD dude it's just a mass huge update there will be tons of
fixis also and it just adds some stuff :3

WHERE AT LEAST I KNOW IM FREE not from stupidity and obesity at least.
I'm tired of Americans babbling on about freedom and whatnot. Please stop.

I'm tired of Americans babbling on about freedom and whatnot. Please stop.
The same forces that invented monarchy are at work in this one.

The game has physics. Most games have physics. When you push the forward button, you move forward. If you run into something, you stop moving forward. If you are a pong projectile, you may probably bounce off of it. This is physics, by definition of game physics. Any other arguement is void. But let's start anyway, since this is Drama.

  • 'It's not like real life!' Find me a game that is. And before you say anything, I want at least real-time ray tracing in it. Don't know what that is? Go read a book on game design and get back to me on that one.
  • 'But moving around in a thing and bouncing off of things isn't physics!' Yes it is. Please read the following wikipedia article:
  • 'Wait, that means it's not real physics! Yay I win!' Go back to your science class. Physics is the study of the natural laws which command our Universe. Replace Universe with Game World and you're one step closer to winning.
  • 'I don't understand!' The game world has natural laws. If your Blockhead 1 bumps into Blockhead 2, Blockhead 1 stops. That's a natural law of the Blockland game. Or maybe I should rephrase. Physics is being used to describe the presence of these so called natural laws. Since Blockland has some form of these natural laws, it has physics.
  • 'No, you!' Yeah, that's it. MSPaint time.

You fail at Physics! Good day, sir!


That's the exact definition.
If you use that, then just about every single game ever made has physics.
Ask any average gamer if say, Half-life (1) has physics and they'll say no. They don't give a stuff that if you hold 'Move forward' infront of a wall that you will collide with it. They already know you'll collide because if you didn't it wouldn't even be in stores. They want to know if props, etc behave realistically (as in HL2, Halo 3, etc)

God damn, you people are like tight-asses on weapon forums that flame anybody that uses the term 'clip' instead of 'magazine' when they do virtually the same thing in purpose. They hold ammo so you can shoot without having to pop a bullet in after each shot.

In reality, when people say 'physics' they are talking about one of these two things:
The science, or the ability to realistically move stuff (objects, vehicles, dead people) around in games.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 09:06:07 PM by Saber15 »

It is nice to see that Dilt is back :D .