Author Topic: Glitch Abuse!  (Read 1260 times)

A certain someone, who I will keep anonymous for the time being hacked my server today.  They claimed to be using a glitch in ephi's script, or code.  They made continous lag spikes which made it so everytime i selected their name to unadmine, so i could ban them, it would unselect it.  I have his IP, but he has multiple BL_ID's.  Is there any way I can track IP adresses of people on my server?  If so please give me a detailed explanation.  Better yet a way to fix this glitch.   Either would do.  Thanks in advance.


I looked in my admin attempt log, It Looks like he suceeded in admin attempt over a 100 times...I think he was auto doing that and thats why it lagged and somewhere it made it so i could not select his name to unadmine....
« Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 06:12:50 AM by Tezuni »

Spamming unknown commands, oldest trick in the book. Just ban him and his BL_ID's.

This looks like something Badspot needs to fix in v11.

OMG, someone did almost the same thing in my RPG server...

he did continuse hacking codes(that gave him weps)and he got himself auto superadmin :O

Never happened to me before. But some noob said that there was BAdspot in my server. -_-

You need to immediately report this to Badspot via PM or e-mail, that way he can identify who is it by IP and will de-activate the key(s) that are under his/her ownership, and will fix this as part of v11.

You need to immediately report this to Badspot via PM or e-mail, that way he can identify who is it by IP and will de-activate the key(s) that are under his/her ownership, and will fix this as part of v11.

I agree. Badspot hates this, and the person would lose his $20, and the glitch would be fixed.

In other words, QFT.

I agree. Badspot hates this, and the person would lose his $20, and the glitch would be fixed.

In other words, QFT.
Well, in this case, everyone already lost $20. They just got a key for Blockland in return of the $20. Only people who get their key's revoked have wasted $20.