Author Topic: loving electric wires...  (Read 2727 times)

No, it's an old player model. Why the hell would we want to have that player model anyway? It looks handicapped.

I agree.

It's 30 degrees here, all last night it was freezing rain and our school actually closed.

When our school closes, that probably means the entire state is closed.

The sky here is PMSing and cant decide which side of the 32 Degree mark it wants to sit.

:D I live in KY we have liek 1 foot of snow with liek 3 inches of ice on top. ITS SO AWSome just running down the street then sliding :D

have fun in the cold fellas. 65 degrees here.

according to windows sidebar its raining.

What do you mean look out the window?!?! this is 2009!

Pfft, -5 degrees.
It's gotten to -15  for almost every day one week.

EDIT: Wtf?! How did I get here?

Lets see, Its 5 celsius, And according to windows sidebar its raining.
Too far to walk to the window?

Its been extremely hot here, 41C which is... Very hot, not to mention Brisbane hitting 43-47C. 100C is boiling point and 0 is freezing point, 50 being half way D:

lucky...oro has skoolz tomarow