Author Topic: A rush of new users.  (Read 4240 times)

are you phatstreet .....just a guess

no the noobs will spam us
They seem to be staying to their own servers. I dont blame them.

Lol. Someone came in my server today. Lets call him Newbie.
Newbie: Can you teach me how to build?
Jason7811: You dont know how to build?
Newbie:  No, not really.
Newbie (ip) has been banned by the admin (Jason7811)
[USSR]Mike: Lol.

Way to welcome new members into the community, asshole.

Time to do my job. *cracks nuckles* You all know what I mean.

Be a master debator?

Lol. Someone came in my server today. Lets call him Newbie.
Newbie: 'Can you teach me how to build?'
Jason7811: 'You don't know how to build?'
Newbie:  'No, not really.'
Newbie (ip) has been banned by the admin (Jason7811)
[USSR]Mike: 'Lol.'

wow your soo nice, if a guy had have banned me when i dident know how to build i would have left blockland

Many people Ban at first sight of the name 'Blockdude'.

Lol. Someone came in my server today. Lets call him Newbie.
Newbie: 'Can you teach me how to build?'
Jason7811: 'You don't know how to build?'
Newbie:  'No, not really.'
Newbie (ip) has been banned by the admin (Jason7811)
[USSR]Mike: 'Lol.'

wow your soo nice, if a guy had have banned me when i dident know how to build i would have left blockland
Damn, so unlucky...