Author Topic: I Lost The Game  (Read 2207 times)

I never lose, because I never play.
You can't know and not play, thats whats so infuriating.
You can be like "Oh I can't lose cause I already won 3:"
You can lie to yourself but you know you really lost

Ugh... worst... game... ever...

You can't know and not play, thats whats so infuriating.
You can be like "Oh I can't lose cause I already won 3:"
You can lie to yourself but you know you really lost

but I couldn't lie because I never won, but I never played so I could never set up a scenario to lie.

Buddha mode ftw.
Buddha would have never been in the game since he attained enlightenment.

but I couldn't lie because I never won, but I never played so I could never set up a scenario to lie.
But once you know about the game, you can't not play.

This game is poisening the minds of our children and I WILL have it banned and sue everyone that knows about it. Then I will finish home schooling my children and moniter them while they safely play E rated games that I approve of.