Author Topic: Humidity.  (Read 1064 times)

It's cold here, but I'm sweating, it's REALLY hot upstairs, I feel like I'm being suffocated, and I'm really stressed out.
forget humidity. I need a method to dehumidify the air around me.
AC is on, thank god.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 04:45:43 PM by yuki »

Well you don't want to buy a dehumidifier.

It's humid as hell here. It just rained a few hours ago and my dad had the heater on... It's already 85 degrees outside, god knows what he was doing.

Very humid in my house too.
It rained alot.

its never humid here in sunny san diego

It was 88 degrees this morning when I was out in the woods hunting turkey. My dad being a 'Nam veteran and all looked at me when I was stumbling because of the heat said, "You think this is hot? Try being in a jungle at a constant 120 degree weather."

'Nam veteran

i saw the play 'A Piece Of My Heart' on Thursday.
i must say, i gained a higher respect for vets after that (not saying that i didnt respect them beforehand)

You got to understand, when they came home, from vietnam, They didn't get a welcome back parade, they got nothing. Everyone hated that war.

Nevada isnt that Humid...

You got to understand, when they came home, from vietnam, They didn't get a welcome back parade, they got nothing. Everyone hated that war.
I love how they were drafted, and the loving anti-war starfishs gave them flak for it.

MY uncle went to nam joined of his own will
now hes going through a midlife crCIA
bought a corvette got smashed by and old bitch in a jeep
now he has a harley going through a "biker" phase, he was on  the cover of a motor cycle mag called easyrider... i know it sounds gay

Yeah apparently my dad went to 'nam because there was nothing to do and there where constant protests at his college, causing going through weeks without teaching.

Offtopic: Avatar? wat?