Author Topic: Spyglass (Originally made by Blinkz)  (Read 9165 times)

Well, i have seen this map somewhere else where you could download maps for another game..
I guess he just ported it..
But it's some long time ago i saw that..
I may remember incorrectly.
This was a map earlier in the game. If you've been on for a while, you should have seen it.

This map was originally a CTF multiplayer map for the Quake 3 engine game Star Trek Elite Force.

Blinkz ported the map, changed the size, modified the textures, modified the layout, enclosed it, and added lighting. What is left is the general inspiration behind the map. He will be putting this up on RTB later and possibly revising it.

He will be putting this up on RTB later and possibly revising it.

Try pics for those who don't know what the map is.

Try pics for those who don't know what the map is.
I've already posted screenshots of the map on the first page...

This was a map earlier in the game. If you've been on for a while, you should have seen it.
I know that, but i saw it somewhere ELSE on the internet...
This map was originally a CTF multiplayer map for the Quake 3 engine game Star Trek Elite Force.

Blinkz ported the map, changed the size, modified the textures, modified the layout, enclosed it, and added lighting. What is left is the general inspiration behind the map. He will be putting this up on RTB later and possibly revising it.
That could've been it.

It's cool, I made it a zombie base (not that good of one, all I did was place zombie spawns lol)

Ahh... spyglass... good times, good times...

Ooohhh, shiny barrels

(and, I will flame myself)

Get out.


If it's exactly the same size as it was in V8, then this is too large.

Could you shrink it? As in about 1.5X smaller.

I have this map on my other computer finally I can have it on this one