Author Topic: Beachy- Auth. Ky stealer?  (Read 3043 times)

It's funny to me how nearly the only thing Truce makes are "hacky" client-side scripts. All with the same purpose;

To bypass an administrator-only privelage

To test easily abusive theories

To "WOW" newer players in a server.

That's probably only like five of my thirty+ finished* scripts. I don't know why you haven't seen any of my others; I've released over fifteen and usually whenever I'm hosting a server it's some unreleased mod I've made.

*A few of my close companions know how often I just give up on a project due to laziness...

Truce loves to forget with the consle.

Well, it's true. I like pushing the console to its limits to test the boundaries I can go with scripting. Any testing I do with the console is done in my server, unless I need to test with multiple clients: if so, I go in a friend's server and request their permission first.

Personally, I've never once used scripts to spam some random server, and I don't plan to. I can't say anything for the users who may come across my scripts though, based on the recent occurance of events.

Well... technically, he did.
But he claims he didn't mean it.

How did I "technically" give it out? I never sent a link directly to the file to anyone.

I hope that was true. What is his redemption project?

Ha, "redemption" project. I don't think I need to "redeem" myself at all, but yes, I'm working on something big. You'll probably find out what it is around the first week of August.

It would be like, if i made a virus. And i never gave a link out to anyone. And boom!
People have it.

Who is to blame?
What if your lying?

So yes, to me. This is your redemption.

It would be like, if i made a virus. And i never gave a link out to anyone. And boom!
People have it.

Who is to blame?
What if your lying?

So yes, to me. This is your redemption.

As I explained before, prior to this incident I uploaded all my scripts to a single hosting website under an account I created. When I linked someone to a harmless script, I'd send them something like Now the website has an option for preventing other users from seeing your entire list of files, which I checked. Yet if someone was to find out the name of the URL of an abusive script, they could access it directly.

Why do I upload even my abusive scripts? I have multiple computers, and it's a lot easier than flashdriving, since I can access them anytime anywhere.

^ No edit, but apparently that URL actually leads somewhere. Not intended.

Sounds fishy.

How could someone... Say.. Guess the name of a script? They would have to know right?

Lets say it was called
Who is going to guess that? No one. Its obviously a inside job here.

Guess? You don't have to guess. This is the internet. There are plenty of ways to view the index of pages you're not supposed to, especially through search engines.

All I know is that someone was able to obtain a script I made, tested, and stopped using about sixth months ago, without me providing a link. I can't think of any way aside from what I've been talking about. Nevertheless, I've changed hosts, so it shouldn't happen again.