
0 25 50 75 100 What are you?

75  -Good
50  -Learning
25  -Just started to Build
0    -Doesn't know how to build at all
Just Joined

Author Topic: What Kind Of Builder Are You?  (Read 1371 times)

im not trying to act all braggy but id say im awesome butnot as good and like bapt and hellz hero

Just built. You can decide how good I am yourself, ;).

Just built. You can decide how good I am yourself, ;).
Nice, basic yet tasteful. Looks like either a Rocket, or a small Castle. The sort you would see on a Crazy Golf Course :P

100 because I'm just that awesome.

I'm an eventer not a builder.

I'm an eventer not a builder.

What did you do in v7-v8. :(

i built badly.

I still do, But i prefer eventing

I'm an eventer not a builder.

same i know events but i am awful at building

My builds are either well-built but look awful, or look really cool but built all messily. :\

...If that makes any sense to you.