Author Topic: The Adventures of Gold Farmer  (Read 2262 times)

Getting money has become quite a bit simpler these days...

Hasn't this gotten a bit out of hand? Badspot bans him but he comes right back...

Best viewed in high definition since the chat is a bit hard to read, and near the end it's mostly chat with him.

Chat = Magnifying glass

I hate AoT because of how many scripters there are running around that like to mod the game.

I hate AoT because of how many scripters there are running around that like to mod the game.
holy stuff i finally got [the MoA Scripts] running but I do not know how to use it.

I stole, what was it, like 734k from THC today. Then Lub got me the golden hook and I gave all of that crapload of gold to Lub.

why not give some of it to me? D: now im sad why john tron why

I stole, what was it, like 734k from THC today. Then Lub got me the golden hook and I gave all of that crapload of gold to Lub.

Please keep doing this. Not only does this fund the XYZ clan it also takes THC's gold.

Please keep doing this. Not only does this fund the XYZ clan it also takes THC's gold.

Can't. I was lucky to find that big hill of gold and take it before THC did.

Can't. I was lucky to find that big hill of gold and take it before THC did.

Fair enough...