Author Topic: Vehicles  (Read 859 times)

Ive been playing on Dissconected's server a long time,so he got this real cool humvee thatn stratofortress made *i think* so i was wanting to ask if he could send me the link *Disconncted*but he said he forgot where he got it,And the humvee drivs me nuts :P so i wanted the link to the humvee,Pls Ive looked for it on the sarch bar and i was not able to find it,so dont be a bastard telling me to go lookit the seach bar,pls help me find it,or send me the link,Thank you, :cookieMonster:

*Just a Link Please* ive searched everywhere D:

It hasn't been released, he either stole it (More than likely from his claims), or it's a private mod that Strato gave to him.

Or it's a ported mod from V8.
