Author Topic: Age of Time Clans, Completely dead  (Read 4695 times)

Can one remember clans such as the feared penguin gang, with their leader MikeD?  Or the the notoriously nooby Cop Killers, with their leader Tyler.  How about MoA? With their rather democratic leadership by having members vote, to see if an applicant could join.

These clans, have no presence today.  Most of their old members left AoT long ago, and haven't been heard from or back since.  My question is why clans cannot survive the test of time.  Some lasted longer than others yes, however in the end, I haven't noticed any clan presence while being back to Age of Time for a little over a month.

- Is it that there is only so much to do in Age of Time?  A clan's fuel must inevitably run out, based on the shear incompleteness of the game which drew members into playing in the first place?

- Or perhaps the leadership tactics were not strong enough.  Their chain of command collapsed in itself.  Members who wanted more wealth, and power drew their own clan to its very destruction?

- To many members slowly became disinterested in Age of Time, due to the lack of things to do?

^I believe all of the above points are bogus. ^

I believe clans died, because clans didn't have other clans to have rivalry's with.  What fuels a clan, apart from benefits, community and friendship?  Being better than the other clan.  By showing your clan has the upper hand, it engages the members.  Also the possibility of having something to gain or lose, such as the most precious gold.

Most clans at one point faced no rivals, no competition, which although may have seemed good for a while, it was indeed their greatest downfall.

Why'd I post this topic?  I want to clans come back to Age of Time.  The start of a clan based community involves multiple clans being created in order for the community to keep sustaining itself.

However I don't expect this to change anything.  The only thing that will happen is I'll have people telling me Age of Time is dead or AoT is completely derailed.  However if you go on at the right times, you will certainly see there is still potential there.

What would there be to rival about? Fighting is silly in AoT. Nothing happens except for death.
You can't have a fiber farming clan because TONS of people have the model tracker thing so they can track your farm from any point on the map.
I can't think of any other types of clan you could make that doesn't either have some sort of cheat for it, or would be valuable in any way.

Trying to bring life to an underdeveloped game is like trying to revive roadkill. The game may be fun for a while, but there is a HUGE lack of things to do.

I believe it is possible to have clans still.  However this is either an uninteresting topic or no one looks in here because I have no replies.

wait so Aot is going down. NOOOOOO. I wanted to join. But further more on that i dont build very well. Well maybe i can but i dont know. :( what a shame this clan is flaming out. Or is there still hope for this clan. I do belive so.

wait so Aot is going down. NOOOOOO. I wanted to join. But further more on that i dont build very well. Well maybe i can but i dont know. :( what a shame this clan is flaming out. Or is there still hope for this clan. I do belive so.
Did my topic?

Umm you didnt realy make any sence just then. Just saying My topic really doesnt make sence. Anywho so is there like multiple clans in Aot. I want in an eventing based one.