Author Topic: Nuclear Fallout TDM {WARNING: Image Heavy}  (Read 957 times)


The year is 2025 AD, nuclear war has plagued the planet, and many people are looking for refuge. Your team, Alpha 216 Beta, has found refuge in this abandoned base.

6 months later...

You're running out of supplies, the war has passed but there is too much radiation left in the area after the nuclear attack. There is water...but no food. Your team has turned their backs on you, and are turning cannibalistic. The half of your team that still has their mind straight, must defend yourselves, in order for your team to not be eaten.

Overview: Around 5300 bricks, 3 stories, can be used for capture the flag, tdm, or
zombies. There are only two classes, because obviously snipers and demomans etc, dont make much sense in a small space.


Birds Eye View:

Spawn Room:

Red Team Exit:


3rd Floor:

Stairs To Second:

Feel Free To Rate x/10, NOTE: I havent included all pics, im going to add more pics while the match is running.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2009, 08:29:36 PM by Deep2 »


I  like the idea, too.   

You should make a third team of mutant zombies then make a desert abandoned city with a few in-tact buildins for hidin

Those Damn Cannibals and there human Eating ways...

On topic: nice build

It was a meh type of CTF. 4/10 for effort.

I don't know how this is ingame playing on it but honostly it doesnt look that good. Plus the title is misleading. You would think it to be more of a wasteland, not a bunch of connected rooms with boxes in them.


It's not a big pile of spam
It seems like you at least tried to make something original

I don't know how this is ingame playing on it but honostly it doesnt look that good. Plus the title is misleading. You would think it to be more of a wasteland, not a bunch of connected rooms with boxes in them.


It's not a big pile of spam
It seems like you at least tried to make something original

Thanks for the +'s
Ill make my next one more of a wasteland, now that you mentioned it. For some reason I never thought of that lol.

Don't like. Crates everywhere.