Author Topic: Re: I think this forum is going to hell.  (Read 1740 times)

The Blockland Forums community is like a big pack of wolves.  Everyone hates on each other except the big top dogs, and everyone is fighting and being hard on the new guy and such.  But as long as the new guy proves him self worthy to the pack, the pack lets him in.  But when it comes time to defend the community, everyone is together.  But if you don't belong in the pack, get the forget out and find a new pack in some other forum.

Sonic, you have proven yourself unworthy to the pack (apparently, i haven't seen you do much, but everyone hates you :D)  I hate you just from reading that one topic that you rage locked.  You go and insult the community and say it's poorly moderated blah blah.  Then you go and insult us and lock the thread.  Go cry about it some more.  Go to a forum that functions correctly.  But this forum is by far a great one. 

-huge snip-
Reasonable enough. I'll happily gtfo now since you seem to be too critical of who joins and who doesn't join.

Your inability to take critisizm is your problem.  Welcome to the internet.  If you do something stupid, people will flame.  If you have no common sense, people will flame.  If you are a loving noob, people will flame.  I've said this before on other topics and I'll say it again: there are no real social repercussions on the internet for most people.  Therefore, they will actually state exactly what is on their mind.  This isn't real life where you have to put up with people day after day and have to make yourself likeable. 
As Jirue said, the new guy is always on the stuff end of things.  I remember joining, being stupid, getting flamed, banned, and growing up bit by bit.  No one ever said that being accepted was easy.  In real life, people may act nice to you to avoid hurting your feelings.  They may even go so far as to accept you into their group.  But this doesn't mean that you aren't still heavily critisized behind your back.  It's time to decide if you want people to be nice or honest.  Pick or gtfo.

I can take criticism, it just pisses me off when people flame me for stating my criticism.

I hate a lot of my fellow countrymen, but I also hate a lot of people from other nations. I don't prejudice a person based on their nationality, nor do I give them attributes based on it.

Sonicfan is a prick with a stick too far up his richard.

wait what

Blow it out your ass. Anyways, this forum doesn't serve friends no matter what your opinion of us is.

I can take criticism, it just pisses me off when people flame me for stating my criticism.
people can criticize criticism.

[sarcasm]And you obviously can take criticism just fine.[/sarcasm]

Like I stated earlier, I can't stand the fact that he has to have numbers that he just pulled out of his ass tacked to the end of his name which also implies fanboy-ism/furriness.

Also his avatar is a stufftily photoshopped .jpg.

people like the word douche