Author Topic: The Suggestions Topic  (Read 999 times)

Ok here is how it works (No off-topic please):

You post a suggestion (only a suggestion no comments)

+Main Idea(New landmass/location, New item, New quest etc...)
+Information about it
+How you think it could be done (optional)


Title: Abandoned Camp
Main Idea: A landmass with a camp (tent, campfire, bed) that is empty) and can be used as a resting point as it should be in the centre of the main landmass.
Information: It could be used for travelling purposes since its in the centre, It could be used as a resting point, It could be used as a retreat from cops or just a place to chat in peace. It is a safe area
How I think it can be done: Well there could be 2 tents with a bedroll in each one and a small campfire for effect


Please remember no going off-topic.


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