Author Topic: Vv Mountains (My Very First Map!)  (Read 4870 times)

My very first map!

Models thanks to:
GSF Ghost

Pix for clix

link: Direct Mediafire Link!

just smoothen out those mountains, other than that nice.

you took those buildings for gsf paradise how creative

you took those buildings for gsf paradise how creative
sarcasm? but really those outside mountains are to keep you in that space so i made them like that.

Why is the dock tilted?

Also, pointy mountains keep people in, but they look really ugly.

Why is the dock tilted?

Also, pointy mountains keep people in, but they look really ugly.
dock tilting is cool and adds character.

well in my next map they will not be there i am sorry for putting them there.

i put them there at 12:34 Am it seemed great.

dock tilting is cool and adds character.
Yeah, well, you apparently titled a building and the lampposts too. Looks bad that way. 7/10

it's all one model so i thinks is still awesome.

ok it is brooken im locking sorry