Author Topic: stop getting trolled so easily pls  (Read 5955 times)

I do wish we had more mailbag topics, they are fun

I do wish we had more mailbag topics, they are fun
Oh hell yes, I miss those.

Add that to rule thread, or as separate threads. Maybe that'll (slightly) help things out.

Technically, it's rule 6: Think before you post.

On a side note, it's weird how everyone rebels against bannings that don't fall exactly into a rule's description word for word. It was mentioned already on a sidenote but it seems to be a running habit around here. I know you don't like it when some new-yet-old common sense based rule pops back up like shackles of oppression wrapped around an iron fist/hammer thing, smashing your soul and mind forcing you to think for an extra nanosecond before hitting that Post button otherwise incurring the wrath of the mods, or something, but come on.

This isn't rocket science, the expectations for behavior everywhere in any public setting are pretty simple and straightforward. Think, don't pull your pants down to piss on everyone, and you won't get into trouble. The internet may be a free hub for opinion and probably the highest level of freedom humanity has ever seen on a social level but it's still required that you atleast have a brain if you're planning on using it without everyone else with a brain kicking you out. As long as that condition is met you have nothing to worry about.

"Too cool for the internet" is an advanced form of unaware hypocrisy. 

Cool, thank you. Makes sense.

Also; If I recall correctly, Rule 14 of the internet.

We should be more like this.

Keep wishing. I have no intentions of being a doom sayer, but, it will never happen. I do not wish to offend anyone, but, in this community alot of people feed trolls. I've seen trolls better handled by the 'community' of 4chan. There is a blatant obviousness between dipstuff and troll, too. If you can't tell the difference, don't bother trying to determine it. Don't make a drama topic. Don't post a mega rage. Don't even think about it.

Me = Hypocrite? Somewhat.

From here on, unless rage is directed at me, I shall no longer created rage posts.

Helix was an obvious troll and is now banned.  Anyone who posts an "I'm too cool for the internet" post gets banned.  It is an unwritten rule. 

And seriously as a whole, everyone here feeds the trolls too much.  If someone makes a stuff post there are always 500 replies telling the person what a stuff post it is and how they should go die or get out or whatever.  Don't do that.  Just report that stuff and ignore it.  Do not post "reported" or "enjoy your ban", just report. 
You're right and all, however it's a pointless effort to try.

Rule 14 of the internet.

shutup chanboy. your not cute for bringing up a stupid meme

shutup chanboy. your not cute for bringing up a stupid meme
I don't even know an actual person who even follows these rules that isn't a part of /b/.