Author Topic: Hangman  (Read 564 times)

I was playing around with C++ a bit and I decided to make a game.

I made hangman.

I'm pretty sure you're all familiar with hangman but if not, read this

It reads words from a text file. I've included 3 different files of words that you can use. One is basicWords (25 words, the original library I used in developement), another is words (this is used by default, around 2,800+ words), and holyshtWords (around 14,000+ words). You can read the readMe.txt for more info.

I also included an icon with it in case you want to make your shortcut (that I know you'll make for this game) pretty.

This game is simply variables and things printed to a console, but it's pretty fun. I didn't implement winning, but you can reset when all the letters are filled in.

Tell me what you think :D


Make sure to unzip it (it's zipped so I can upload them all in one file). To play, run the Hangman executable (it's not viruses)

The icon is in ico format so I can't attach it (or upload it to photobucket)

Sorry, I don't like hangman.


I downloaded it.

Its pretty fun.