
Just thinking ahead of time

Natch Der Untoten
Der Reise

Author Topic: Kino Der Toten By StormingAssKicker Is BACK (sorry for hold up)  (Read 3871 times)

Well Hey guys StormingAssKicker here coming back attcha with the Kino Der Toten Build i posted up Awhile ago.
And Yes I am very sorry that i kept you guys waiting on the link to this build.
My old computer was acting like a complete dumbass and had deleted blockland.
Ive been try to fix this problem for such a long time. Ive finally fixed it so now i got BOTH blockland AND the kino der toten back up and running. It is not completely finished quite yet. Everything is done all i need left is eventing, Scenario, and perk o cola machines and the link to this bad boy with be up. I will have daily to weekly updates on the build. But for now I've posted some pictures of the map....
Enjoy em....

The Spawn room

The Spawn room again

The first room going down stairs

The second room (or outside AKA the death valley)

In the death valley looking at the doors of the third room

downstairs In the third room

Upstairs in the third room

Stairs going down to Stage room

Downstairs of that

The STAGE (not yet finished as is said up at top)

On the stage to the audieance

A view of audience seats

Another view of audiance seats

Now that we have downstairs path cleared out of the way lets move on to going upstairs.

First room going upstairs (cruddy shot sorry)

Still in the first room looking down at the stage

Still in the first room across the small hall way to the other room

In the second room looking at the doors of the first room

In the second room upstairs

Birds eye of second room

Second room looking at the doors of the third room

In the third room (wip) AKA the backstage

In the third room looking at the doors of the STAGE

The STAGE yet again

In the STAGE looking at audience and doors in which you need to first turn on power to get open

In the pack a punch room...

So tell me guys. What do you think? Please note that mean and rude comments are not alowed...
As it says up at top please do not try to troll me by saying "ugh this build is stoopid its not even finished"
Its a WIP...
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 08:30:38 PM by Storming AssKicker »

Ahh no first comment HERES MY CHANCE!!!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 08:31:36 PM by Storming AssKicker »

Needs less gray, also make gates instead of those bricks to signify that you are outside. Any ideas on how to make the random boxes?

Needs less gray, also make gates instead of those bricks to signify that you are outside. Any ideas on how to make the random boxes?
What other colors should i use?
And yeah the boxes are kinda tricky i still i no idea how to make em!

UPDATE 2/26/12: New poll has been set
Poll is
:What map should i make after this one is done:
Vote ends March 15

i actually really like this
the building isnt all that good but think about all the time and effort it must have taken to get the remote layout of Kino..?

No offense, but you need to put more effort in it. If you make things look broken and stuff, it would look realistic. Just giving my recommendation.

No offense, but you need to put more effort in it. If you make things look broken and stuff, it would look realistic. Just giving my recommendation.
And yeah thanks for telling me...
More broken stuff gotcha

I made a Kino Der Toten with my bro once which had a fully working randombox
but i lost the save due to new computer
good times anyway

Its better then mine Is there gunna be a save for it?  :cookieMonster: