Author Topic: My pikmin and me  (Read 1437 times)

Do want, except my AIs are broken. All of them. No sentry fo' me D=

Very clever the way you did that. Can they take orders?

except my AIs are broken.
Try reinstalling Blockland. I did that and it worked.

Tried that a while ago. Screwed up. Even though I pressed "save add-ons", they got deleted, I had to copy my old, crappy ones, now my saves don't load (The ones I had before reinstalling) in the save picker. They're in the BL/Saves folders, I checked.

This can be easily done if a person knows how to use the bot events correctly.
I attached a slate save, it requires the Bot Events on RTB and uses the Designer Color Set. Though the Color set isn't required, the colors might be screwed up. If you even think credit is necessary, credit SuperYoshiBro, I don't care.

ChocoboPah made it an AI.
Also, hi Choc.