Author Topic: Space station build got stolen, Please not that "Jetpuff!" Is a ass.  (Read 1523 times)

A Jetpuff imitation has appeared in my server.

ID 16851

Apparently he has a history of imitating Kinex too.

Why did you post this?

Please not that "Jetpuff!" Is a ass.

The Funkehness about "GAy" Was a conversation i couldn't follow at the time.

Why does everyone get so angry when someone loads a build that isn't theirs?

Did Jetpuff! say he made the build? If not, he didn't steal it, otherwise people would be stealing default saves all day.

Why the hell do people think that saving a build is a crime? And then why would they feel the need to announce that they did so?

Maybe if he posted it in the Gallery and took credit I could understand why you would post this, but him claiming to save it really isn't something to freak out at.