Author Topic: "Inconvnient Truth" And Global Warming  (Read 2939 times)

I thought we were still in an ice age. And if global warming climbed to extremes the polar ice caps would melt into the salty ocean water causing a density change that would shut off the ocean's conveyor belt that spreads warm water around the world, causing a new ice age. So the world is just gonna fix itself isn't it? I had a class in college based solely off this but I forgot all the technical mumbo jumbo and only remember that vague description hehe.

I accidentally a whole tree

You however only showed one side of the whole idea of global warming; convenient truth is what you showed, you didn't show the whole idea's sort of "point." The fact is not "what's happening because of this," it's more of "what will happen and what can we prove this by as of right now--" it's not really, "o no polar bear died of common thing for them to die of" it's more of "is the temperature really rising?" That's the whole idea of it, it's not about what we can currently see happening--it's more of what we will see happen.

How can you be against global warming? Do you think that by ignoring it you'll make it go away?

Additionally almost all of the errors in your list are provably false. You don't cite any real sources or give us any links.  Just saying "JUDGE:" doesn't work, not in the real world anyway.

Hope you continue to have fun with your ignorance!
The judge was a real person moron. You want a link? Here it is:

No, This is BLOCKLAND.

No seriously, why did you pick drama section?
Learn your sections.

Global Warming is fake :D
/start GW war

I now love Pandan even more than I did.

The judge was a real person moron. You want a link? Here it is:

Hey moron,

It's irrelevant as to how quickly the results of global warming will be upon us. The fact is that they will happen.

It's also irrelevant as to whether or not it is caused by humans (I believe we are acting as a catalyst to a natural cycle and making the change more extreme). It is happening, and there is no way to dispute it. Natural or not, it will give us problems.

I personally think it's all up in the air at this point.

I don't like how it's become almost a religion. It seems that as soon as I give my opinion on it, I become a heretic (In real life at least, not sure about here).

There are two irresuptible facts:

Greenhouse effect exists. It is required for life on earth. Without it there would be no life on earth.
Greenhouse gasses add to the greenhouse effect. This is also proven.

Now to what extent and what magnitude? Who knows. But we know these two points are true. In addition, we know cardon amounts are greater then ever before, the climate is changing very fast, and that our seasons are becoming more sever. Is the due to global warming? Who knows.

I say yes. Besides, what do we loose if its not true? We makes the air cleaning, everything more renewable, and create new jobs. Thus there is not any good reason to not at least work on reducing greenhouse gasses, as there is no loss.