Author Topic: [SOLVED] Scaling explosion emitters of vehicle explosions.  (Read 510 times)

Scaling all particles in an explosion without creating un-necessary datablocks
« December 26, 2009, 10:50:43 PM »   
I have a bomb (vehicle), and in the interest of saving datablocks, I'm using the standard vehicleFinalExplosionEmitters, and I only changed the projectile/explosion for a different damage type/amount/radius.

Is a way to uniformly increase the particle sizes without creating any new emitter/particle datablocks? If so, could somebody please point me on the right track to finding this as I'm stumped right now.

I tried researching this first, and the only thing I could find was to scale the projectile, however this doesn't appear to change the size of the explosion particles, only the damage that is done, and the physical projectile shape (although in this case there is none, its lifetime is 0).
Creating new emitter's isn't the end of the world, I just like to optimize everything as much as I possibly can.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 06:54:21 PM by BobAndRob »

Scaling the projectile should work. Try a 5x projectile next to a 0.2x scale projectile.

Solved without any major hacks at all: