Author Topic: Source Adventures  (Read 15636 times)

Double Post.
The sky starts to crackle, and you see the citadel in the distance rumble and shake. It begins to emit sparks.
Lightning crashes to the ground, the entire sky flashes into a darker red color, showing the Citadel's core has been temporarily stabilized.
Gordon and Alyx are still in City 17 it seems, so good thing too, you'll survive here in Ravenholm. At least, until the citadel falls!
You immediately black out as your train derails..
Later, you awaken with a painful arm. You get your shotgun, hearing HCZs.
You crawl down the train cars, and exit it. Hardly stable, you begin to shoot like hell towards those bastards.

After blasting the zombies back to hell, you manage to stabilize yourself.
You use your MEDKIT and heal yourself back to 100% Health.
You then go behind the train, and wonder what to do next..
PURPLE = EQUIPPED. Inventory: WEAPONS Combine Sniper, Black Silenced Uzi, 9mm Pistol, Spas-12 Shotgun, Shotgun Ammo, Empty Boomer Bile Jar, Arms, Medkit. CLOTHING Camoflauge Armor, national socialist Pig Suit, Citizen Clothing, Civil Protection Suit, Rebel Armor. HATS Bonk Helmet.
MESSAGE: Equip national socialist Pig Suit?
HINT: Reply to message, then say what to do next.

YUS. And find Father Grigori

Put on the Civil Protection suit and take cover inside the train. Then huddle under a seat.

Put on the national socialist pig suit! Then find Father Grigori

Do not wear the national socialist Pig Suit. Wear the camoflage to be stealthy, and equip a powerful weapon, like the sniper. Or the SPAS-12/SPAZ-12.

Do not wear the national socialist Pig Suit. Wear the camoflage to be stealthy, and equip a powerful weapon, like the sniper. Or the SPAS-12/SPAZ-12.
Way to bump

Anywho, very nice bump indeed....
/action update :D