Author Topic: Clan [C] Colleagues  (Read 193953 times)

Lordy Lord is now a leader! I can't wait to start deliberating with you Lordy, and I am enthusiastic about your future with this clan and the things you will help us do.

Our comrade Sleven has been banned for spamming on the forums. Permanently. For spamming, However he never spammed. What is going on?

I emailed "" and got my ban revoked.
It seems there was a misstake. :)


TAG where's our server?


TAG where's our server?
Oh, that was just about the server.

Would really like to continue on Lordy Lord's Manor.
Clan build it should be, ye.


TAG where's our server?
Kalphiter needs to get on and pass me the link. As soon as I see him on IRC (I put him in the notifier) I'll ask for it.

Would really like to continue on Lordy Lord's Manor.
Clan build it should be, ye.
No, from this stand point we're going to be working on Lalam's DM.

I think that any project for this clan at the moment would be good. And I mean ANY project. Post the info on Lalam's DM, and if that doesn't work out, we always have my mansion to fall-back on.

Also, Tally, you have an OctBatcher problem earlier. How did you overcome it? I have the same problem currently.

It was a brickpack that was causing it for me :P Warground got rid of it when he was hosting. Will be inactive for 6-7weeks on holiday where there is no internet :(

Dedicated coming right up.
Please note that this is only for about 1.5 months though.

Dedicated coming right up.
Please note that this is only for about 1.5 months though.
That will do just fine.

Server up, I won't be on it that often, but what must the map be?