Author Topic: The loving iPhone.  (Read 7633 times)

Way to fight the good fight.

I'm thinking about burning all my DRM music to CD's and ripping them so I can sell my iPod Touch, by a Zune and use my phone for all my media.

Then I'll be done with Apple and their evil business schemes.
You mean a Zune HD.

It's getting Windows 7 Mobile sometime in Spring, meaning Flash support possibly and custom apps marketplace :).
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 08:43:07 PM by General Nick »

Hey, you three! Yeah, you guys! You're all stupid.

I was making fun of how gay was used, sparky.

Hey, you three! Yeah, you guys! You're all stupid.
Yeah i thought about editing that, but OP was using the term "gay" so i left it.

All phones are for CALLING, unless you don't own a handheld console. Wich you guys both own anyway.

*has never owned an Apple product in his life

And I agree, any Android phone is much nicer than the iPhone.

Introducing The new, and improved... iPointless!!!!

Discuss how gay the iPhone is.

Sometimes I feel like my iPhone looks at my ass every time I'm not looking :c

Sometimes I feel like my iPhone looks at my ass every time I'm not looking :c

My iPhone seems to recharge when I put it in my back pocket..

A lot of app developers are making bucket loads of money off the iPhone, do you think they actually care that apple's advertising campaign doesn't specifically thank them? If they had some crappy line of commercials that went "Hey guys, we made this product that is basically just a console for other developers to create their own products and put them on it" do you think anyone would want it? Even though annoying catch phrases like "theres an app for that" piss people off, it still enters there pop culture vocabulary and becomes world known, that just how advertising works. And when the iPhone sells like hot cakes, obviously app devs are glad because that means more people to buy their product.

I'm not an Apple fan boy, i don't even own an iPhone/iPod touch, but your argument seemed really stupid to me and i felt like pointing it out.

EDIT: And your statement saying that if google had made their phone before Apple they'd get the same hype is pretty stupid. Of course they would, being the first to sell a new type of product is the gold mine of sales. They get money because they thought of it before any one else and had the assets to develop it, and they deserve that. That lets companies like Google know that if they can take the same idea but make it better, it'll sell great because theres already a market established for it. Thats exactly what they are doing with the Droid.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 12:56:08 AM by Jls900 »

IPhones will go out of style like myspace VCRs and MTV

The only cool app for iPhone.


IPhones will go out of style like myspace VCRs and MTV

Don't forget Crocs. I still wear mine <3 Keepin it real.