Author Topic: Servers dont work!!!!!! im sorry for trolling but none of you are answering  (Read 1587 times)

Plz can someone just tell me how to make server
i know there are some people like me but i really want
to make one. I have v14 but it still dosent work
so someone please help me
« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 02:48:43 PM by Commander sushi »

Did you click the 'online' button when starting a server?

Yes i have and it still dosent work

Did you click the 'Internet' button when starting a server?
Although this is a good point to start from, I'm going to guess he's done that first.

V14 hasn't fixed entirely everything to hosting a server. It's also down to something with the ports, but I'm not going to pretend to entirely understand it all, because it mainly just goes over my head.
Anyways, just calm down and forget it for a bit. I hear something to do with the ports problem may be focused on in the next update, but I'm not too sure. Until then, just play on other peoples servers. You're not missing too much by not being able to host a server.

It might work but people don't want to join your server. There are many others that seem more appealing.

Click the "Start a Game" button, next make sure the "Internet" button is checked(under Server Type), then press the "Launch Game >>".

Need to port forward?
Ω Port Forwarding: How to host an internet game
(Tutorial) How To Port Forward On a Mac

You are pretty much on your own from there.

Wat so V14 only lets SOME people make

Wat so V14 only lets SOME people make
Your a bit of a noob, and it might not be you since V14 has came out no body comes to servers you llike, they mostly go to DM's and RPG's.
Also if you havent got UPnP on it might not work, check what port the servers on in advanced config make sure its 28000

i have the same issue but its probably because I DON'T EVEN have a router so thats probably the problem

i have the same issue but its probably because I DON'T EVEN have a router so thats probably the problem