Author Topic: Server Events Problem  (Read 666 times)

Almost every time someone creates an event in my server [Besides me], it appears when they hit send, the event is totally wiped out. Does anybody know of a baddon that causes this or some sort of thing i need to change or do to clear this?

You should wait until it happens, then grab your console.log and post it here.

Console.log is found in C:/Program Files/Blockland OR C:/Blockland for some installations.

Trying not to sound too newb, but how does one post console log? I have seen multiple people do it but i have never learned myself.

Trying not to sound too newb, but how does one post console log? I have seen multiple people do it but i have never learned myself.
After you have typed a message, click 'Additional Options...' then click 'Browse' on the 'Attach' field. Locate the file 'console.log' and then click 'Post'. Your file will be attached to the post automatically for brown townysis.

There it is.

Crap, wait. why is it empty?

Crap, wait. why is it empty?
And why are there 2 of them? Lol.

Anyway, when it happens, close Blockland and then take the Console.log.