Author Topic: The scariest dream I've ever had  (Read 6175 times)

The scariest dream I ever had was that I was walking in a large decrepit mansion (not unlike the one at Disneyland, but much darker and less well maintained) and I was running from a ghost wearing long ratty rags.  I also remember I was scared to look in the windows because every time I did, I saw its ghostly pale skeleton face with no eye sockets.  It shrieked like a hunter from L4D every time I saw its face.  Scary as forget.

The scariest dream I ever had was that I was walking in a large decrepit mansion (not unlike the one at Disneyland, but much darker and less well maintained) and I was running from a ghost wearing long ratty rags.  I also remember I was scared to look in the windows because every time I did, I saw its ghostly pale skeleton face with no eye sockets.  It shrieked like a hunter from L4D every time I saw its face.  Scary as forget.
who ya gonna call?

Shut up.  Ghostbusters wouldn't stand a chance against that thing.

I had a really weird dream recently. A bunch of crazy shapes and colors and stuff happened, like looking into a loving kaleidoscope in my dream. Then I woke up. Some crazy stuff I tell you what

    Uh, I was riding a jeep along these mountains in ROBLOX and the driver curved into this carnival tent thing. He chucked me out of the seat, dragged me in, put me in a chair a locked me on. Guess what happened next? He turned on this overhead and played a clip on it. It showed blockheads suited up like Rebels from HL2 and were using Blastdowns E-11 blaster and they were shooting at ROBLOX players and the ROBLOX players had sub-machine guns and they were shooting all they got at the blockheads.

 The blockheads looked very brave and charged on but the xerox folder was unleashed, and from the depths of it were runescape people and club penguin people running out. All of them had these big revamped versions of the Ion Cannon.

 They shot at the blockheads and the blockheads started slumping down, red bricks falling out of them like blood. Then, the overhead rolled up and the driver said "I am from the future." and the dream went black, and it turned into clowns and stuff.

Thing is, when I went up and got on the computer, Traders ROBLOX Player was left on from the other night.

Dreams of being by my dad in Iraq, probably from all the videos I have seen of him killing there. But those aren't scary dreams, they are fairly fun. Unfortunately though, I need to range-find when shooting weapons. Now that doesn't bother because I know how to do it, but it takes some fun outta my dream to be forced to do math.

I had a dream where I was in a crack house, and there was a deal going down. Apparently it wasn't going too well, and a couple of guys who were up to no good, started making trouble with the drug dealer. Well my entrepreneur  got scared and he said "You're movin' with my ho's betsy and linda in downtown be-lair." So I whistled for a taxi and when it came near...

You get the point. 

i c wat u did thar


That is my dream, except Im the old guy who had "nothing else to live for".
God looked weird, he was like....damn shiny and scary as forget with blazing eyes.

The scariest dream I've ever had was only a couple days ago.

I dreamt I was an Avatar. No joke. ._.
Oh noes

Read my snip please  :panda:

My Scariest NIGHTMARE is:

I was in  Atlanta Visiting a skyscraper, Then my famaly saw 17 loving Tornadoes over Atlanta, and on my town. Then we passed over one F5 Tornado!

Then i woke up and felt frozen then puked :C
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 05:30:36 PM by BassCrossMegaman1 »

I don't have dreams when I sleep :I