Author Topic: The scariest dream I've ever had  (Read 6178 times)

I had a dream where I was fighting giant flies in my kitchen :D
When I beat them all my mother gave me a band-aid and said "good job"

I split my snake in half with a fork and ate the fork. It was the most forgeted up dream I have ever had.

I was dreaming one time that I was dreaming about random things then realised I was in a dream, im like.. yay i can do anything i want (2 seconds later) I wake up. :(

I was dreaming one time that I was dreaming about random things then realised I was in a dream, im like.. yay i can do anything i want (2 seconds later) I wake up. :(
Lucid dreaming that is....

The scariest dreams I've ever had weren't really all that scary.

One was something about my girlfriend starting to smoke because her mother stressed her out, but she hid it from me. Another was my dog running out the front door and getting hit by a car, but she was still alive for a couple minutes till all I could hear were screams. Another was some baby-sitter drowning me in a water bed.

I also learned that if I eat food from a certain burger joint right before sleeping, I have bad nightmares. :cookieMonster:

My scariest one was I was being chased by a red car full of demons.

i had a dream were it was black and white. I kept screaming "WHERE THE forget IS RAINBOW BRIGHT?!"

Ever have those dreams where you can't jump worth stuff?

Ever have those dreams where you can't jump worth stuff?
If only I was Master Chief...

I hate it when I'm half asleep, but then I think about stumbling/tripping/falling and my legs have a spaz attack.

I had a dream where I was in a crack house, and there was a deal going down. Apparently it wasn't going too well, and a couple of guys who were up to no good, started making trouble with the drug dealer. Well my entrepreneur  got scared and he said "You're movin' with my ho's betsy and linda in downtown be-lair." So I whistled for a taxi and when it came near...

You get the point. 

I had forgotten what a really epic post looked like, and this is quite a reminder!


I hate it when I'm half asleep, but then I think about stumbling/tripping/falling and my legs have a spaz attack.

also, lucid dream alot.
Most of it includes love but yeah...

I had a dream that Hugums was Gigyas.

Argh, I hate it when I'm half awake. I'm conscious, and thinking "forget, c'mon, move," but I just can't move. What I do to get out of it:
Try to trash around as much as I can, and once one of my limbs can move, I use it to hit my other body parts.