Author Topic: l4d:the streets of terror  (Read 6760 times)

I dont know why, But I hate blockland101. He needs to disappear off the fourms and go make a server that no one will ever join.

Your stupid comments make me mad too.

I dont know why, But I hate blockland101. He needs to disappear off the fourms and go make a server that no one will ever join.

Your stupid comments make me mad too.


edit: Yes, I know i'm being stupid.



edit: Yes, I know i'm being stupid.

Jacob 123456789




I don't care about the random letters numbers at the back of my name, stop complaining.

i love how you have ALL the weapons in the saferoom

Get back you fowl necromancers
"Ciber uses his lvl 4 "Dark magic blocking" spell"

I don't care about the random letters numbers at the back of my name, stop complaining.
Im going to ask badspot to change my name to
asdfghjkl qwertyuiop 1234567890kjrbngkrjbnrgjkbnrj knbjknbjetnbkenbjkebnjkenbjke nbejkbnekbnjketnbjketnjk

What do you mean its random?

Im going to ask badspot to change my name to
asdfghjkl qwertyuiop 1234567890kjrbngkrjbnrgjkbnrj knbjknbjetnbkenbjkebnjkenbjke nbejkbnekbnjketnbjketnjk

What do you mean its random?
Qweryopus :D

now she lets me and SHUT UP

What are you five, do you need your parents to supervise you blockland playing time. Or just hold your hand while they do it.

ONTOPIC: Zombie Campaigns are supposed to be realistic, a magical door that warps you into such a small place you couldnt fit 2 people, filled with health lockers which all serve the same purpose. And then random weapons that arent even L4D that randomly apeared in there, i lost my train of thought.

Anyway come back when your done, and make your "safehouse" with walls.

All you did is spam weapons...