Author Topic: Some of my art (Added more)  (Read 1142 times)

I've decided to stop posting in "Artwork that doesn't deserve its own thread".
So, here is some of my traditional style art.

Some I'm linking from my deviantart account, some I'm attaching or hosting.

A watercolor sunset I made a while ago

A simple dog (I know I've already posted this in that smaller topic)

A simple picture of a mouse I did pretty recently

A Blue Jay (This one has also been posted in the smaller topic, but I felt like putting those here)

I wish I could post more, but I'm to lazy to upload them.

I did these by hand, NOT by tracing or some other cheap method of reproduction.

Here: I shrunk the file size enough to attach a picture
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 08:53:21 PM by Narkro555 »

I am glad you decided to stop posting in That one topic.

Like the dog :D what kind of paper are you using?

looks pretty decent.

Although the sun in the first looks more like saturn :P

Here's another:

Another dog, I forgot what the breed was
(okay, I realized how much my camera sucks just now)

Modern art can burn into a pile of ashes.

This on the otherhand is really good. 0_0

Most of the things that you draw are just profile views, and the ones that aren't really look weird. Learn to get into some perspective and anatomy.

Most of the things that you draw are just profile views, and the ones that aren't really look weird. Learn to get into some perspective and anatomy.
Okay, I'll try that

The sunset picture looks really boring. And I'm not just saying that.
One, the colors don't really work with what it's supposed to be, they also clash with eachother. You have the yellow sun which is clearly above the hills, and yet the hills are mostly blue even on the parts that should be facing the sun. The colors just don't work, and that's basically the most important part of any watercolor painting.
Again, with the blue jay, although you have the highlight on the eye, there's no highlight on the feathers or on the beak. This makes it look flat and uninteresting. It's also shaped weird.
With the rat, it's a bit better but it's still not okay, lighting-wise. Although the grass appears to be very vibrant and green, as if to be reflecting light, the light is not reflected on (from the grass) the rat, or off (from the light source) the rat. This, again, makes it look dull and fake. The anatomy is also questionable.
The dog painting is better, however the angle is very common and simple. The lighting is okay. I noticed that you have decent shading and coloring in that one, even though the other ones don't, which, if this is newer than the others, you've improved. Still, the background looks a bit too vibrant and bright and solid which takes away from the dog itself, so I still think you need a lot of improvement. Keep trying.

Nice Work
Good Criticism JD, you do know that 'simple' is in a lot of the descriptions though right