Author Topic: Do people outside the U.s have Cheese in a can?  (Read 5176 times)

Well I was reading this dudes topic on a different forums. And he found it extremely weird that we had this. (we as In the people who live in the u.s)

"Wait, Is it true that you guys have CHEESE IN A CAN?"
So any one from Australia or the U.k ever heard of this?

And Discuss cheese in a can!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 02:01:49 PM by MasterCookie »

Probably not. America is the only country where people are so fat and lazy that they need a way to get the cheese into their face by only using 1 finger.

Probably not. America is the only country where people are so fat and lazy that they need a way to get the cheese into their face by only using 1 finger.

Best thing I've ever quoted.

Huh, drinking cheese?

Probably not. America is the only country where people are so fat and lazy that they need a way to get the cheese into their face by only using 1 finger.

That stuff is good on my crackers and bake potato.

We don't have these where I live.

Probably not. America is the only country where people are so fat and lazy that they need a way to get the cheese into their face by only using 1 finger.
I love you.

i have always wanted this, but just now thought to myself 'wait, the cheese is probably crappy'

Never tasted it. Probly Never will

I have never seen, or heard of any form of Cheese in a Can, in England.
There probably is somewhere. Although, I've not gone looking in supermarkets for it.
Surely an actual slice of cheese, or a fresh cheese-cream would be much nicer than something that you've just squirted from a pressurised can?

I couldn't find anything in ASDA, which belongs to Walmart, since I'd have imagine that that would be one place more likely to have a product like that.

Nothing on Sainsbury's, that I could find.

And I couldn't find it on Tesco's, either.

Those three are, I guess, main Supermarkets in Britain.

I've had it, it's pretty good. Sliced cheese is better though.

Probably not. America is the only country where people are so fat and lazy that they need a way to get the cheese into their face by only using 1 finger.
This... This is the best thing I've ever read.

America has canned cheese, Canada has bagged Milk, and Europe....well they have Grey Poupon.

That stuff is Delicious.
And it is amazing on crackers.