Author Topic: A Blender modeling question  (Read 1268 times)

What is the best way to cut a hole in an object? I find it really difficult. Also, what's the best way to make hollow cylinders? I'd like to improve my modeling skills more

Cutting holes would have to be done with extruding.

Hollow cylinders = z-axis stretched toruses.

I can cut holes in cubes by selecting a face and then subdividing it twice, I erase the center vertice and there's a hole, but it's cubic. If you want a circular one, you have to scale the vertices on the corners of the hole.

Also, to make hollow cylinders, just disable the cap-ends button.

Use the knife tool (K). Loop cut or custom cut, then just delete the part you want and extrude the outside edges to the other side, to make a small tunnel.

Wow. No one does it my way? I use extrude.

I KNOW extrude is used somewhere. But it just goes deep into the shape; it doesn't cut a hole... Be more specific. Oh, and I figured out how to make hollow cylinders, without deleting stuff

Omg. Select the faces, hit E (Extrude), the click. Don't move the mouse, let the extrusion remain zero. Now hit S (Size), and size it. The inner part will become your hole. Just hit X (Delete) once you're done sizing.

Omg. Select the faces, hit E (Extrude), the click. Don't move the mouse, let the extrusion remain zero. Now hit S (Size), and size it. The inner part will become your hole. Just hit X (Delete) once you're done sizing.
Let me clarify: I want to make a hole though an object. This object should have thick sides. What you just told me is how to just make a hole on a face and therefore make it so that the sides are completely thin. I want the sides to have shape and the hole to completely go through it (like a tube), not just stop halfway in.

Wow. No one does it my way? I use extrude.
Omg. Select the faces, hit E (Extrude), the click. Don't move the mouse, let the extrusion remain zero. Now hit S (Size), and size it. The inner part will become your hole. Just hit X (Delete) once you're done sizing.

He wants this.

I can cut holes in cubes by selecting a face and then subdividing it twice, I erase the center vertice and there's a hole, but it's cubic. If you want a circular one, you have to scale the vertices on the corners of the hole.

Do that in two opposing faces and then create edges to make faces between the holes, there you've got a hole.

Take length of object, make a circle, extrude circle, match up faces.