
what should i do?

change name
11 (28.9%)
change map
1 (2.6%)
less add ons
10 (26.3%)
more add ons
3 (7.9%)
13 (34.2%)

Total Members Voted: 38

Author Topic: no players come to my server  (Read 1439 times)

Im gonna build Beer in blockland now :cookieMonster:


Is your spacebar broken or something?

Well,my suggestion is to get add ons and RTB as fast as possible.That's what I did,and since,I have not been called a noob.Some people honestly work their way to the top.But as far as my knowledge goes,that is for naught.

Its probably that your router does not have Upnp


With all the new servers up you really just have to hope for the best when it comes to people joining.

He probably just doesn't know that you're supposed to have a space after commars and full stops.
Which, makes him pretty stupid looking, considering the whole E=Mc2 crap he keeps posting.

I suggest that you have a nice, clear servername, that doesn't go off the list on the serverlist. Make sure you don't have random words in it.
The actual server, do something original on it. Or in the very least, something that people can join in on.
If you're doing a DM, note that they've probably been done to death. Try something else, like a community build thing, or a theme build. A Roleplay, or an interesting styled DM. Perhaps a CTF or a DogFight.
Don't go putting on all your possible Add-Ons, and plan out what you're going to do before you start. Then you can set up which Add-Ons you actually need, and not have the rest of them which are pointless. Not only will this reduce Lag for certain people, but it will reduce the time that players have to download Add-Ons and it will reduce the possible item/emmiter/sound/event spam that can come from the more interesting, yet pointless Add-Ons.

It may seem sad or silly, but if you can convince some friends of yours to come to the server for a little bit, once you start up, you can get some more players on the server. It's probably due to the now large influx of servers, but I do find that the majority of people like to keep to regular servers, or atleast, they tend to go to servers that have a reasonable amount of activity.
Not everyone wants to go to the empty Dedicated, or the Server with only the high-ID host and 200 bricks.
Not to sound like that's being prejudices, but I'd imagine, personally, that lower ID people are less likely to go to an empty server belonging to a high-ID player, than that of a low-ID player.

I don't want that to sound like, just because you or someone else may have a high-ID that no one wants to go yours/their server, but there is unfortuantely some reasonable amount of prejudice.
If you do have a higher ID, just try to get things set up just a little bit once you've started.
Build a little bit, and have something (Even if it's small and just started) that will keep people interested.
Also, some good hospitality can go a long way. Try not to be overly rude, or annoying to people on your servers. That doesn't mean you should let people just stuff over you and your stuff, nor does it mean you should tolerate rudeness and abusiveness by other players to either yourself, or others.
As long as you keep your server fairly moderated, it should be fine.

Also, I suggest, if you do have a good friend on the game, who spends time on your server, perhaps giving him Admin, if you personally can trust him, and find that you have to leave your server unattended for certain amounts of time. People wont stay if the Host is AFK and people are messing around and being abusive. Especially if no Admins help to clear it up while the host is gone.
If that makes sense. Just, try not to leave your server left unattended by moderators for too long, if you're not running a Dedicated.

Well, that's all my tips and things. Good luck with your server.


Don't make your server seem like a spamfest. If you use caps, it won't seem noobish, explain the server through your title, (Don't say free admin if your not giving it) and be creative with it.

Put a title in like this- Block's Last Stand(ZAPT)

It's up to you to experiment with what you think will make people want to join your server. Try to be specific with your title, don't just call it a freebuild, or "do whatever" server, because it just blends in with all the other free build and "do whatever" servers. It also doesn't sound very interesting. :\ And for GOD sakes, don't start being desperate, by asking people to join your server through IRC or putting "Free admin" in your title. That's either annoying, or a disaster waiting to happen.

Really, the key is just patience. There's only so many players to go around to each server, if they even PLAN on going to a server, and you yourself need to come up with something to make yours stand out from the others. People won't all rush to your server by default.

Ok,a few things,the phrase "free.....beer" is NOT going to attract the demographic you are most lkely looking for.Two,be spam tolerent,and call it a freebuild.Three,add ons are good,but can cause lag.This I know from experiance.Four,clear bricks of players that leave.

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Since u seem like a noob (nothing wrong with it) make a better name like add free admin