Author Topic: There is a loving wild turkey sitting outside my window  (Read 4483 times)

 At 11:34PM no thanks. Might get caught in some trap created by another Blocklander that keeps stalking me.

Uh...... No, Not me, NEVER
Go rambo on the thing

 Rip its neck ballsack out?

Are you kidding? Have you ever TRIED to shoot a turkey?!?!? You have to use a .50 cal, and HOPE that the bullet doesn't bounce off of it's armored feathers.
So, turkeys are made of super tough titanium alloy?
Wat. Super metal turkey.

Didn't Bisjac make a $1000 challenge to capture it on video?

He ignore me! We did get trolled. Post pic now!!!!

lol is all of i have to say