Author Topic: Haven & Hearth; World 4!  (Read 1115574 times)

Tell me if the map resets and I'll play again.

MY routinely playings of SS13 and TF2 might get old soon.

oh lord, jacob/lee + frenchfrie = bad combo

Frenchfrie's incessant bitching and jacob/lee's 'no-stuff' attitude dont go well.

I hired Jacob/Lee to quite literally replace Frenchfrie (what a loving idiot, if crops sit out for more than 10 days you know you have a problem with your farmer) and then frenchfries all pissed, and using excuses to bail himself out on why he doesn't farm.

'get on earlier' he always says even though i dont have to be on for him to get to the crops.

I am a good addition to any village because I am me.

And because I kick ass, take names and have fun doing it.

I am a good addition to any village because I am me.

And because I kick ass, take names and have fun doing it.

I love kicking ass.

I love kicking ass.

Not murdering people, by being awesome.

oh lord, jacob/lee + frenchfrie = bad combo

Frenchfrie's incessant bitching and jacob/lee's 'no-stuff' attitude dont go well.

I hired Jacob/Lee to quite literally replace Frenchfrie (what a loving idiot, if crops sit out for more than 10 days you know you have a problem with your farmer) and then frenchfries all pissed, and using excuses to bail himself out on why he doesn't farm.

'get on earlier' he always says even though i dont have to be on for him to get to the crops.
Then, he threatened me.
Him: I'm going to get *enter some random item here* and when I get back you better be off my field.
Me: Is that a threat?
Him: Chriz can make it one.

feels good smithing again

made several bronze plates, plenty of bronze helms, and a bronze sword for russian

feels good smithing again

made several bronze plates, plenty of bronze helms, and a bronze sword for russian
Could I have one of those plates? c:

Could I have one of those plates? c:

check the chest by the smelters

grab a plate and a helm

check the chest by the smelters

grab a plate and a helm
can you bring some stuffs to me

Then, he threatened me.
Him: I'm going to get *enter some random item here* and when I get back you better be off my field.
Me: Is that a threat?
Him: Chriz can make it one.
when i was living with chriz he always used chriz as a threat to me
i just ignored him and he just got madder and madder with every word i said.

Sounds like he's a ticking timebomb.

Sounds like he's a ticking timebomb.
that only explodes 4 tiles

i hope by next map you ALL learn to stop associating with chriz.
and everyone of us just boycott everything he wants in the haven topic.

he has nothing to speak of for success. he goes from one village to another that will accept him, causing grief.
you guys obviously arent learning from each others mistakes.