Author Topic: "I got banned for no reason :(" - Seriously, what the hell?  (Read 8227 times)

a tool is not a jackass. so i guess i missed the point you thought you were making.
Thats cool.
I can see that your devoid of logic and believe you're a sun in a solar system of greatness.
So I am out of this topic.

A server is like a country, it can be run by vote, or it can be a democracy, if the citizens don't like it, they move country.

Dictatorships are better, why? Because it gives you a reason to kiss the hosts ass without getting yelled at for it by everyone else.

this drama won all the i got banned for no reason topics with no info. 5 times.

I hope that badmins aren't people that will run the government in the future.

Read the OP twice if you still think that someone will/can ban you for no reason at all.
Well now that I think about it...

A server is like a country, it can be run by vote, or it can be a democracy, if the citizens don't like it, they move country.

Unless the said citizens were denizens of Soviet controlled East Berlin, in which case they had to contend with a wall and a death zone if they wanted to emigrate

Me? A tool.
Your the real jackass here buddy.
Seriously, you got issues don't you?

I hope that badmins aren't people that will run the government in the future.
They are in China.