Author Topic: VCE?  (Read 1005 times)

what is a VCE. i know it stands for variable condition something. but what does it do? i went to my friends serv. and i learned something from it. i evented a brick like this:
(1) on activate, player, VCEmodvarialbe, sandwichs, add, 1
(2) on activate, client, center print, "you have <var:pl:sandwichs> sandwichs.

to generalize all of just wondering what it does and what else i can do with it.

VCE stands for Variable Conditional Events. For a nice walkthrough of how to use it and what it does, download it and open the events menu, where you should find a VCE guide button at the top.

 There are many possibilities with this. You can make a shop, and RPG system, or something else you can think of. Here is an event that works for a shop.
(Brick 1) OnActivate - Client - ModVariable - Cash - Add - 20
(Brick 2)OnActivate - Client - IfVariable - Cash - =< - 20
(Brick 2)OnVarialbeTrue - Player - AddItem - Gun
 Then you can add stuff like a center print to say you bought a Gun or something like that. This is just a basic shop system, so with this knowledge, you can create RPGs and stuff like that.
I might have messed up on the equals sign thing.

^^^^^^^^im sorta confused.

^x2 where would i DL it.

The same place almost every other add-on is.

 you can download it on RTB, I think. For my explanation above, brick one is the first brick. Brick 2 is another brick. You click the first brick then the second one, and then you get a gun. To add a center print or soemthing, do this event.
(Brick 2) OnVariableTrue - Client - CenterPrint - You got a Gun!
(Brick 2) OnvariableFalse - Client - CenterPrint - You need more Cash!
 This makes it so that if you have enough money, you get a message on screen saying you bought a gun. If you don't have enough money, it says You need more Cash!

ok..... can you post a link? i searched and i didn't find it...