Author Topic: Easter time is heeeeere!!!  (Read 7289 times)

understanding how the universe was created scares religious people. because they think science is TRYING to disprove god. that isn't always the case. there are craploads of astrophysics humanity needs to learn if we ever plan to travel all of space. where plenty of opportunity are to be found out there.

but i guess if it offends people, we can just stay in our little bubble of earth forever. would be pretty embarrassing for a people, if we just got lazy like that.

understanding how the universe was created scares religious people. because they think science is TRYING to disprove god. that isn't always the case. there are craploads of astrophysics humanity needs to learn if we ever plan to travel all of space. where plenty of opportunity are to be found out there.

but i guess if it offends people, we can just stay in our little bubble of earth forever. would be pretty embarrassing for a people, if we just got lazy like that.
God will give us our own Daedalus if we pray every day in another 100 years.

well a person's beliefs can define them quite strongly. the personality they have, and the way they live their life.

if your a person of science;
you see more options in day to day life. you tend to learn things more as you see the value in education better. and you find more gratification from personal effort.

if your a person of religion;
you live day to day with your fingers crossed. your superstitious and you wait for things to happen instead of trying things yourself. you believe how you feel and think will earn you things and not the effort you make.

there are plenty of exceptions to this, but its still pretty accurate.
one of the reasons i wouldn't date a girl who is religious. it wouldn't even work.
Somewhat, but my statement is still valid.

More money for however much I've saved up so far (got $20 so far, added it to my $415, total $435!)
Got a bunch of chocolate, a bunch of beef jerky, some delicious cookie dough bites, a crispy-chocolate-bunny, peeps, reeces pieces, and a bunch of other goodies.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 02:46:57 PM by Miga »

NOW its Easter, and how old are you? 6?

Easter isn't a second Christmas.

Off Topic: Thx 4 replies!

On Topic: I got 2 stuffed animals, a crapload of candy, and $35

I love Easter :)