Author Topic: Most Kill Streak [In Blockland Hurr]  (Read 4125 times)

well its hard to compare on this game. all the servers are unbalanced and incomplete in every aspect of a fps.
i could tell you i got 500 killstreak and it wouldn't be a lie

I hate complaining on servers but jesus christ some of them have such obvious flaws that can be fixed with common sense...

No Russian.

I went there.
You're a dumbass. Did we not already establish the fact that these are all blockland killstreaks and not cod's stupidest level killstreaks?

Thats why its in General Discussion Hurrr

32 i think, it was me vs noob, in gsf sa, with a sniper :3


owh wait, thats just a dream...
now i remember! 41 :D ^^

I just remebered one. A 23 kill streak in a 2 man server. Of course the other guys was AFK.

30 something against national socialists (I was in a humvee HURR) 28 on Cucumberdude's TDM_ColdStorage
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 09:44:17 PM by Gojira »

on my old DM_Industrial I had an 880 rifle in one of the sniper towers.

I spent ten minutes amassing a kill streak of 48. Then Mogarfriend came up behind me and got me with a private melee wep which can 1 hit backstab kill.

;-; I miss that map.